The graphic serves a great reminder along with the writing!

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Jul 21, 2021Liked by Nicole Avery

Hi Nic and all, yes it's Wednesday but still time to kick goals I figure.

Interesting that on Monday I had some good ideas for goals and was going to post them, but felt unsure about making lofty plans as I had a sneaking suspicion that everything was going to come unstuck and today it did. Due to my son's dyslexia we have a lot of challenges with remote learning and it all came to a head today with frustration and overdue work.

SO I am going to make three simple goals for the remainder of the week.

1. Right now I am in the midst of planning for a big relaunch of my business in early 2022 - new name, logo, offering etc (Nic you will be excited to hear this after what I was talking about last year!) So my goal is to sign up for a volunteering opportunity that will help clarify my offering by the end of the week. Keeping mum about what it is for the moment :)

2. I am very focussed on going to bed when I start to feel tired this week and so far it is working. With lockdown fatigue and the very cold weather, I am craving a book, my bed and my electric blanket and so I am trying to be in bed by 1030pm, which is quite early for me!

3. I am also aiming to drastically reduce my number of phone 'pickups' (I can see this through Screen Time app on my phone.) I know I am doom scrolling and seeking comfort and connection through social media a lot this week due to lockdown.

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Jul 21, 2021Liked by Nicole Avery

Hi Nic - how exciting and what a privilege to be here.

I'm in the midst of a huge cycle of change now - so it's a great time to be looking both backwards and forwards. I'm working really hard to understand myself, dive deeply into my patterns and find ways to nurture myself that will be sustainable long-term.

This week I'm exploring my morning routine, and find out what needs to be there. I've been a meditator for years, but I'm trying to change the focus and move it from nights to mornings. As I learned from you years ago in P&P, mornings are truly made the night before - so I need to tidy up my afternoon and evening routines to have the impact I seek.

This week's goals:

Get to bed on time (but what time is that? EVERYTHING is under review)

Meditate straight out of bed (but where to do that so I'm not waking the kids?)

Journalling and setting my intentions for the day (rather than journalling and reflecting on how busy my day was).

I know morning routine is a big one - I'm not underestimating how this is the big rock in my jar. Thanks!

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Jul 18, 2021Liked by Nicole Avery

Hi Nicole, my goal this week is to take advantage of my kids not having any extra mural stuff (due to lockdown) and do some activities together. The tasks so far include baking a cake with my daughter after school tomorrow and going with my son for a bike ride or to shoot some hoops at the local basketball court.

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Jul 15, 2021Liked by Nicole Avery

Very exciting!

So this week's primary goal was definitely work related. We are creating course content for two new courses, have run the pilots and now need to update all content as per the feedback received from the pilot group, which includes recording prework videos.

The action list feels huge!

Review and revise content and extract the materials for the videos.

Revise and update precourse materials.

Update materials in workbooks

Complete assessment formatting

Revise case studies

Keep supplier on track with their part of the workload

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Thanks. Sometimes a different format can help change the way we see things.

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Thrilled to be part of this initiative, Nic - accountability works!

This week's business goals:

- write up coaching packages

- publish coaching packages on website

- post about coaching packages to Binders FB group, OneRoof and friends

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