Sitemap - 2023 - Now with Nicole Avery

The last one

33 lessons from 25 years of parenting

Aiming for good enough

The End of Now

Increasing patience through breathing

Planning for lower work weeks

Elite Laziness

The benefit of taking small (calculated) risks

Christmas menu plans + current family challenges

Social media content creation

Micro acts - big joy

Christmas gift ideas for older teenagers

Choose one

Self experimentation and optimisation

Creating a Christmas wrapping station

Persistance, pride and prejudice

Solutions and set decisions

10 Non Fiction Books For Christmas Presents 2023

Solid foundations to help start the week off well

Creating inner calm

What will you do with the last 70 days of 2023

A joyful marathon

Your 2023 simple Christmas plan and Christmas themes

Focusing on the process

Harnessing nervous energy

The spring of deception

How tapering can be applied outside of running

Working but few results

Kicking off Christmas planning

Taking time out in nature

Some things you might like - videos, articles and podcasts

Welcome and 3 simple but important steps for a successful week

What processes do you need to tweak?

Spring tasks to get you ready for summer

What do you have booked in?

Lists save the day

Family comes first

Household paperwork and getting on top of life admin

When the workload is high

Recording - Your Roadmap to Perimenopause Wellness

End of term planning

Change, track, review

👩 💻 Join me for this free online event

Just the core tasks

Discipline leads to motivation

The gold lies in doing the basics well

No new commitments

Seth on appropriate tension

The power of awe

Expanding my bubble

Trying new recipes

When you need to stop trying

Being prepared to test new things

The things that make your soul sing

Using priming to help you focus

Are you tilting too?

Tips and tools to help with achieving your goal

Why I eat so much sweet potato

Improving the quality of my sleep

Working on the important

Some things you might like

Investing in learning

Eating 30 plants

Some questions to ask yourself

This is what happens when you put tasks off

Creating family memories

The build up and getting rid of it

Do you need rapids or a steady flow?

Letting go of stress

How are you and what are you up to this week?

When I was floundering this week, this is what I did

Exposing your weaknesses + more parenting teen podcasts

Changing things up to get unstuck

Making difficult decisions

Is it time you put some time into upskilling?

Committing and appreciating the journey

The power of friction

How is your future you going to feel?

Keeping things simple

The power of a single goal

Scaffolding kids to study effectively for exams

Ways to catch up when you're behind in work

Parenting teenagers podcasts list

Half way update on my daily challenge - designing daily

Menu planning tips and lunch box ideas

A tip to help overcome lack of motivation and procrastination

How happy are you?

Daily routines are the hack you have been looking for

Managing stress with mindset

Knowing your capacity

Gift ideas for mum

Culling and letting go

Choosing your regrets

Why I think a lot more about protein now

Short and sharp

What to do when you get derailed

The difference a change of approach could make

Setting up a base camp spreadsheet

The value in the unglamorous

Repetition and contemplation

How to change and achieve your goal

Am I overcomplicating it?

It's almost school holidays again! Time to get super productive

Reassessing my processes and making changes

Use these plans and lists to make next week easier

Seeking out discomfort

Keeping the focus on

Managing disappointment

Looking for the grey

How I use constraints to help me

How small improvements can provide motivation

Tilting forwards and backwards

Changing habits - some practical suggestions

Lots of people, not much space

How are you going with your goal?

The timing of tasks

Tips to help keep teenagers well fed

Implementing what you learn from books

Tools to help create a low information diet

Making positive choices a habit

Tips to having a productive week

Choosing my tasks for the week

How to help your kids set good habits for school

The key elements of productivity

Extra resources from the workshops

Back to school tips for the kids and for you!

Accepting my current situation and being grateful for it

Preconceived ideas and assumptions

What are you trying to start this year?

The benefits of documenting your planning

Your goal setting workbook is ready to download

Last chance for goal setting workshop

Down weeks

Surfing the urge

My goal for 2023