Sitemap - 2021 - Now with Nicole Avery

This is the mark I gave myself

Looking back to move forward

Accepting you are doing your best

That end of year exhaustion feeling

Knowing when to tilt

Questions to ask yourself now to create focus for 2022

Books, music and table decorations for Christmas

Taking the blinkers off

Lessons from failure

That is not a priority right now + no prep meal delivery giveaway

What is your biggest challenge right now?

Listening to your body and mind

Download your free Christmas menu planning and preparation guide + 20% of Adapt Drinks!

Allowing silence

Getting out of your comfort zone

The power of accountability + gorgeous bangle giveaway

Planning for taking time off

Tips to help with procrastination

More Christmas gift ideas

Breaking up big tasks

Underestimating the time it takes

Key elements to a positive nighttime routine

Setting your own deadlines

Pacing yourself

Tips for keeping busy at bay + kids' Christmas gift ideas

How staying present reduces overwhelm

Updates and a date for your diary

Christmas planning + gift ideas

Some housekeeping and questions for you

When you don't do the tasks

Getting the kids to help around the house and Planned + Present is open!

Making time for the special moments

A simple process for brainstorming new ideas

How I have streamlined the grocery shopping for the family

Managing multiple projects

Eating that frog

Supporting your VCE student in a COVID interrupted year

The flow on effect of lack of sleep

Making peace with imperfection

Tips for fussy eaters + fab giveaway

Lockdown and working in school holidays

Stacking your habits

Lockdown lunches and emotions

Mini milestones and mini rewards throughout the day

Small wins and small things

Audiobooks for kids (including loads of free ones) and how they can help your kids

Listening actively and being present

The relationship between rhythm and productivity

Take a look at the new look + a chance to win!

Small acts of creativity can have a big impact

Tips for managing projects

A booklist to keep the older kids reading

Grace and gratitude

Wrestling with your emotions

3 steps to take when your motivation is lacking

Tilting to where you are needed most

Building up my own energy

Are you feeling exhausted too?

Creation mode

Give it 10 minutes

Don’t fight the course

Don't underestimate basic

Making a conscious choice on where you spend your time, energy and attention

Lockdowns and independence

Scheduling work to go with your energy flows

How writing out your day can help reduce procrastination

Why NOW?

Making the decision is not enough

Almost launched!

Setting single goals and smart tasks

NOW is the time